CCTCA Fee Increase Approved

Vote of General Membership Held During April 2015

During the Council of School Representatives meeting held 2015 April 8, school representatives from each CBE site were provided with ballots and information so that they could conduct a vote at their school inquiring about the proposed CCTCA fee increase of $1 per member per month. The purpose of this fee increase is to support the maintenance of the current quality of teachers' convention, as costs have been rising steadily for several years.

Ballots were due to be returned to Local 38 staff on or before the next CSR meeting, held 2015 May 6.

The ballot question was "Do you agree with an increase in fee of $1/member/month for the Calgary City Teachers' Convention Association"?  Members were also provided with an opportunity to view an explanatory video from President Frank Bruseker, available here.

The results of the ballot were as follows:

YES 2339
NO 1334
TOTAL 3678

The fee increase was approved, and will become effective at the start of the 2015/16 school year.